archive rssThis is where I do the blogging thing, and sometimes it is interesting.
Introduction to my Dotfiles
Over time, I’ve accrued a fair amount of dotfiles. I thought I would share an overview of them through a series of blog posts, starting now!
Proton to Fastmail
A Love Letter to Typst
I rewrote my resume in a new markup-based typesetting system called Typst.
Job Hunt 2023
This is insight into my job hunt after being laid off from Micron.
Introducing libmerr
is an error tracking static library for C99+. During this involuntary vacation, I have spent some time taking code out of the Heterogeneous-Memory Storage Engine (HSE).I Got Laid Off
Well it happened to me.
What Social Media Has Become
My commentary on what social media was and the problems that it has today.
Iceland Vacation
Musings of my vacation in Iceland.
Oak Hill Cemetery
I live near the Oak Hill Cemetery in Austin, and for a while I have been meaning to visit it. This weekend, I finally had the opportunity to check it out.
Moving to Fosstodon
Goodbye, and hello Fosstodon.