
Welcome to my blog. This post is a pretty historic moment for me because I have been trying to create a personal website for a very long time. I figured I would create an introduction blog post to introduce any readers to myself.

My name is Tristan Partin. I am 23 years old at the time of writing this. I am from Houston, Texas and currently live in Austin, Texas. In May of 2019, I graduated with a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Texas A&M University.

After graduation, I headed to Austin where I began working as a software developer for a company called Expero. I worked for them in College Station during my time in college, so it was a fairly easy transition to become a full-time salaried employee.

As far as hobbies go, I enjoy things like playing basketball or sports in general, hanging with friends, programming on various hobby or open-source projects, and doing an array of outdoor activities. Recently, I bought an inflatable kayak because I crunched the numbers and figured if I wanted to go kayaking as often as I intend to, I should make an investment now to save money for the future. Perfect timing too, since Spring has just arrived. With the various restrictions around Coronavirus, I haven’t gotten to try out the kayak yet, but I set it up in my living room, and immediately I was quite impressed. Kayak review coming soon??

I am also a fairly avid motorcycle rider. It is a very refreshing experience to ride a motorcycle and go exploring, which I have done quite a bit of since the Coronavirus started spreading in the US. I like to ride a little slower, and take in my surroundings including nature, architecture, or just to learn more street names, so I don’t have to pull out Google Maps every time I want to go somewhere.

When I am programming, typically you can find me around various open-source communities. I am a large Linux user, so open-source is a very big part of my life. I am in various GNOME channels specifically because I want to someday be a core contributor. This past year specifically I have put forth a good amount of effort into learning GNOME technologies more deeply including GTK, GLib, libsoup, and json-glib.

On this blog, you will probably find that for the most part, I am talking about programming-related topics, but I would expect that every now and again I’ll have something else to talk about. You can definitely expect this blog to be more than the typical “How to create a React app in 5 easy steps!!!!”.

For all the hardcore web users out there who say no to JavaScript, this blog is a static site generated with Hugo, so you shouldn’t have any problems. I also have RSS links setup throughout the site. Hopefully they all work correctly. If not, please notify me!

Hopefully you stick around, and we’ll see where this goes! Next blog post is already in the works.