

  1. analytics

    1. No More Analytics
  2. aws

    1. Personal Site Architecture V2
  3. c

    1. Introducing libmerr
    2. Writing an API Wrapper in C: The API Client
  4. career

    1. Job Hunt 2023
  5. commentary

    1. What Social Media Has Become
    2. Green Versus Blue
  6. devops

    1. Personal Site Architecture V2
  7. electron

    1. Electron, Linux, and Your File Chooser
  8. ethics

    1. No More Analytics
    2. The Church of Big Tech
  9. fastmail

    1. Proton to Fastmail
  10. fediverse

    1. Moving to Fosstodon
  11. glib

    1. Writing an API Wrapper in C: The API Client
  12. history

    1. Oak Hill Cemetery
  13. introduction

    1. Introduction
  14. layoffs

    1. I Got Laid Off
  15. litter

    1. Oak Hill Cemetery
  16. mastodon

    1. Moving to Fosstodon
  17. me

    1. October 2020 Update
  18. meta

    1. No More Analytics
  19. motorcycle

    1. Motorcycle Crash Postmortem 2
  20. postmortem

    1. Motorcycle Crash Postmortem 2
  21. programming

    1. Electron, Linux, and Your File Chooser
    2. Writing an API Wrapper in C: The API Client
  22. proton

    1. Proton to Fastmail
  23. vacation

    1. Iceland Vacation
  24. vercel

    1. Personal Site Architecture V2
  25. webdev

    1. The Worst Performing Website I Have Ever Found
    2. Personal Site Architecture V2
    3. Writing an API Wrapper in C: The API Client

Articles from blogs I follow

Firefox hacks for everyone: From cozy gamers to minimalists and beyond

Firefox users, we’ve got tips for you. The Mozilla team has gathered some of our favorite tricks to help you get the most out of your browser – from customizing the look of Firefox and managing tabs, to watching videos on the sly and staying cozy while ga…

via The Mozilla Blog

Posting Your Patch On pgsql-hackers

Sometimes, people post patches to pgsql-hackers and... nothing happens. No replies, no reviews, nothing. Other times, people post to patches to pgsql-hackers and a bunch of discussion ensues, but nothing gets committed. If you're the sort of person wh…

via Robert Haas

Accessibility Adventure

As part of my effort to reduce Mutter dependencies, I finally found some time to focus on removing Cairo now that we can have a Wayland only build. Since the majority of the remaining usages are related to fonts, we would need to move CoglPango to be part…

via Bilal Elmoussaoui - My Blog

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