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Articles from blogs I follow

Protect your identity with hide-my-email aliases in Proton Mail

With hide-my-email aliases, you can keep your email address private, avoid data breaches and prevent phishing or spam emails.

via The Proton Blog

CapyPDF 0.9.0 released

I have just released CapyPDF 0.9.0. It can be obtained either via Github or PyPI.There is no major big feature for this release. The most notable is probably the ability to create structured (or "tagged") PDF files. The code supports using both th…

via Nibble Stew

Improving poll() timeout precision

Recently I was looking at a VTE performance issue so I added a bunch of Sysprof timing marks to be picked up by the profiler. I combined that with GTK frame timing information and GNOME Shell timing information because Sysprof will just do that for you. I…

via Happenings in GNOME

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